Frequently Asked Questions

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Click on each heading to read the answers we have to questions we get asked all the time!

What happens if I cancel or reschedule in less than 24 hours of the service appointment time range?
What time will the cleaners arrive? I thought I booked an 8-10am slot with 8am being the start time?
What is included in the normal cleaning?
What is the difference between a normal/standard cleaning and a deep cleaning?
Do you provide carpet-cleaning services?
Do you clean baseboards?
How long will it take to clean my home?
Are we insured?
How much experience do our cleaners have?
Do you do background checks on your cleaners?
What happens if a customer is not satisfied?
Do you use natural products?
Do you use chemicals?
Do you offer any other discounts?
Do you take special requests?
Can I book a Bi-Weekly/Monthly/Weekly Cleaning just for the discount but get a one time cleaning using the frequency discount and cancel the service?

Have additional questions?

We’re here to help. Let’s talk.